Oxfam Canada
Welcome to the Schools Activity Group.
We're a volunteer group within the Ottawa Local Committee, charged with delivering presentations to schools on Oxfam issues, and organizing material for our school speakers. We also promote Oxfam materials to teachers.
Volunteer Positions Available Request a Presentation Speaker Resources

Request a Presentation

Our volunteers don't give talks, but rather deliver workshop presentations with class involvement. This can be through discussions, role-plays, educational games, and other 'popular education' techniques. It's learning by participation. We usually time them to fit a regular 75-minute class length, but that can be adjusted as required.

You can choose any global issues theme, such as: globalization, hunger/food security, human rights, international debt, fair trade, sweatshops, and education in underdeveloped countries. Then we'll dig through our resources and suggest a format for the session, working out something agreeable with you, the teacher. Popular activities include a "stake-holder meeting" role-play, a bead-trading simulation played in silence, variations on the Jeopardy television game, and building a food security flowchart interactively.

We ask that you reserve any presentations at least two weeks in advance. For more information, or to book a date, please contact the volunteer coordinator of our Schools Group at Oxfam Canada in Ottawa.

Speaker Resources

Video Resources

Teacher Resources

Ottawa Local Committee's Speaker Resources

For information on our school activities, please contact us.