Oxfam Canada
Schools Activity Group: Video Resources
This is a list of some of the over 100 video cassettes available for loan at the National Office of Oxfam Canada in Ottawa. We've listed just a subset here, some of the best ones for presenting (in part or complete) to school students.

Video Resources

Fair Trade Globalization Sweatshops Poverty Hunger/Food Human Rights Education Refugees Gender Health Community Resources

Fair Trade

"Globalization and the Growth of Poverty" - 2000 (22 min)
Chile Copper production: compromised workers' rights - more suitable for older students
03 Chile 01


"A la base: le mouvement populaire" - 1990 (17 min)
Nicaragua workers
03 NIC 1

"The Story of the Nicaraguan Popular Movement" - 1990 (17 min)
Nicaragua workers
03 NIC 3

"Globalization and the Growth of Poverty" - 2000 (22 min)
Chile Copper production: compromised workers' rights - more suitable for older students
03 Chile 01



"Is there a sweatshop in your future?" - (11 min)
03 NIC 7



"Partners in change" - 1987 (15 min)
03 BRA 2

"A Share in Justice"
03 CUB 1



"Cidet - Forced Exile" - 1981
Refugee issues
04 SUD 1

"The Hand that Feeds the World" - 1993 (19 min)
Women's roles, food security
01 CND 16

"Stop! Go Fast!" - (12 min)
General food issues
02 AM 1

"The Question of Food" - (12 min)
04 AFR 1

"A Safety Net" - (28 min)
General food issues
04 GHANA 1

"Farmers Helping Farmers" - (27 min)
Kenya & Tanzania
08 GNL 2

"Seeds of Change"
General food issues
08 GNL 10

"All We Expect" - 1995 (24 min)
Women, malnutrition
08 GNL 13

"A Question of Food" - 1995 (12 min)
04 AFRIC 2


Human Rights

"The Children of War" - 1986 (25 min)
General descriptions, by youth, about growing up in war-torn countries
General 20

"Cidet - Forced Exile" - 1981
04 SUD 1

"A Big Voice on Small Arms" - 1999 (14 min)
Gun issues
05 ALB 1

"In the Hands of Canadians" - 1992 (9 min)
Indigenous issues
01 CND 1

"Basic Human Rights" - (11 min)
01 CND 3

"Framing the Issues" - 1992
Indigenous issues in Canada
01 CND 8

"You Can't Jail the Strike" - 1986 (17 min)
Workers' issues
01 CND 10

"Focusing the Dialogue" - 1993 (15 min)
Indigenous issues in Canada
01 CND 11

"Partners in Change" - 1987 (15 min)
03 BRA 2

"A Share in Justice"
03 CUB 1

"The Story of the Nicaraguan Popular Movement" - 1990 (17 min)
03 NIC 3

"Maputo" - 1995 (17 min)
Landmines - Africa
04 AFR 4

"The Namibian Independence Process" - 1990 (16 min)
Political process and human rights
04 NAM 3

"The Human Cost of War - Rwandan Genocide" - (16 min)
04 RWA 1

"South Africa: The Need to Respond" - 1987 (17 min)
04 SA 7

"Guatamala: The Official Story" - 1989 (22 min)
Human Rights, Guerilla warfare

"Nicaraguan Elections" - 1989 (22 min)
Election process

"Peace? What Peace" - 1997 (29 min)
Nicaragua, Guatamala, El Salvador, Human Rights
03 SAL 5



"Thusano" - 1987
04 THU 1

"Education Now" - 1999 (15 min)
08 GNL 12

"Housing Clinic" - 1988 (18 min)
08 GNL 9



"Shelter" - 1994 (13 min)
Bangladesh - cyclone, shelter
02 AM 2

"Mines of Mozambique" - 1995
04 MOZ 3

"Namibia: A Country to be Born" - 1990 (20 min)
04 NAM 2

"The Human Cost of War - Rwanda Genocide" - (16 min)
04 RWA 1

"Free Front Line Africa" - 1990 (21 min)
Refugees - Mozambique & Zimbabwe
04 SA 5



"Cidet - Forced Exile" - 1981
Women's health
04 SUD 1

"More Than an Apple a Day" - 1989 (19 min)
Gender issues
01 CND 15

"The Hand that Feeds the World" - 1993 (19 min)
Women's roles in food security
01 CND 16

"All We Expect" - 1995 (24 min)
Women - malnutrition
08 GNL 13



"Driving the Message Home" - 1997 (22 min)
South Africa - AIDS
01 CND 12

"Thinking AIDS Globally" - 1993 (3 min)
01 CND 14

"Well Done" - 1991 (3 parts: 19, 12, and 14 min)
Water sources - digging and maintaining a well
04 NAM 1

"Puppets Against AIDS" (8 min)
04 AFR 6


Community Development

"Picture of Africa - Focus on Kenya" - 1992 (21 min)
04 KEN 2

"Well Done" - 1991 (3 parts: 19, 12, and 14 min)
Water sources - digging and maintaining a well
04 NAM 1

"Mashare" - 1995 (12 min)
04 NAM 3

"Farmers Helping Farmers" - (27 min)
Kenya and Tanzania
08 GNL 2

"Power of Partnership" - 1998 (10 min) - in French
Foreign aid and development projects
08 GNL 4

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